Stay Updated with the Hays County Arts Center

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Stay Updated with the Hays County Arts Center

The Hays County Arts Center is a vibrant hub of artistic excellence and cultural diversity. It is dedicated to presenting a series of exhibitions that reflect the county's unique character. The Tax Evaluator-Collector is responsible for evaluating and collecting all ad valorem tax accounts identified and valued by the Hays Central Appraisal District (CAD). The Hays County Tax Office also collects property taxes for all other taxing jurisdictions, such as school districts, cities, and special districts.

Additionally, the office collects fees for titles and motor vehicle registrations within the county. Organizations or artists who wish to lend works of art for display at the Hays County Government Center must submit a full loan agreement to the Arts Committee. The committee will select works of art that are appropriate in subject matter and quality for the functions of the Hays County Government Center. If a complaint is received that a particular piece of art is mocking, vulgar, appalling, or offensive to visitors, the county judge will review it and make a decision. The Arts Committee may allow a lender to install the exhibition under its supervision or provide at least one person to assist in the installation. The works of art displayed in public areas must be appropriate for an office environment and suitable for public officials, county employees, and citizens who carry out business transactions in the building to view.

The lender is responsible for all aspects of a transaction involving the sale of works of art that are displayed at the Hays County Government Center. The works of art displayed in these public areas must remain in place until the end of the exhibition, unless approved by the Arts Committee for early removal. The Arts Committee is the sole curator of an exhibition at the Hays County Government Center, with absolute discretion over selection and location of works of art. If approved in writing by the building manager, an organization or artist may sell works of art that are exhibited at the Hays County Government Center during an exhibition. However, they must provide an adequate replacement, subject to approval by the Arts Committee, for works removed from an exhibition before its completion. The Hays County Government Center does not function as a gallery or museum and is frequented by citizens with diverse opinions and backgrounds who are there to do business with the county. The Hays County fine art insurance policy covers works of art lent to the county for display while on premises under care of county staff.

Public art will not be displayed in courtrooms or administrative offices located on first, second, or third floor. Works of art displayed in these public areas must be appropriate for an office environment and suitable for public officials, county employees, and citizens who carry out business transactions in the building to view. Hays County is subject to requirements of General Permit No. of Texas Contaminant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) of Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).Are you looking for ways to stay up-to-date with all that's happening at the Hays County Arts Center? You can join their mailing list! By signing up for their mailing list, you'll receive notifications about upcoming exhibitions, events, and other news related to their activities. You'll also get exclusive access to special offers and discounts. So don't miss out on all that's happening at the Hays County Arts Center! Sign up for their mailing list today and stay informed about all their exciting activities!.

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