How Much Does it Cost to Visit the Arts Center in Hays County?

Find out what it costs to visit Hays County's Arts Center and learn about their Shallow Water Crossing Repair Program.

How Much Does it Cost to Visit the Arts Center in Hays County?

The cost of visiting the Arts Center in Hays County is determined by the PAC facility manager. Technicians are paid one hour before each rental. The low-water crossing on Francis Harris Lane has been completed as part of Hays County's Shallow Water Crossing Repair Program, which is designed to reduce flooding and improve public safety. For more information, including a short video, you can visit our website.

The Arts Committee will select artworks that are appropriate and suitable in terms of subject matter and quality for the functions of the Hays County Government Center. Artworks submitted electronically may be displayed without audio, at the discretion of the Arts Committee and as needed to carry out its business activities at the Hays County Government Center. Organizations or individuals who wish to exhibit an exhibition at the Hays County Government Center must submit a proposal to the Arts Committee. The Arts Committee may cancel an exhibition on display if it is deemed necessary to protect the artwork or due to unexpected use of the building. If the Arts Committee decides to appoint a selection panel, its members may include county staff and community representatives.

If a complaint is received that a particular piece of art is mocking, vulgar, appalling, or offensive to visitors, the county judge will review it and make a decision. Public art will not be displayed in courtrooms or administrative offices located on the first, second, or third floor. Organizations or artists who lend works of art for an exhibition at the Hays County Government Center must provide an adequate replacement, subject to approval by the Arts Committee, for works removed from an exhibition before its completion. The Arts Committee may invite organizations or individuals to submit a proposal for an exhibition at the Government Center. The Hays County fine art insurance policy covers works of art lent to the county for display while on the premises under the care of county staff. The works of art displayed in these public areas must be appropriate for an office environment and for public officials, county employees, and citizens who carry out business transactions in the building to view.

Every organization or artist that lends works of art for display at the Hays County Government Center must submit a full loan agreement to the Arts Committee. If approved in writing by the building manager, the Arts Committee can allow the lender to uninstall an exhibition or help dismantle and remove all works of art and other components of an exhibition.

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